
Tehran Oil Refining Co.

lpg gas recovery
Cooling Tower
  • Subjrct: Open Circuit Cooling Tower (Wet)
  • Capacity: 6600 m
  • Location: Tehran

Selected Photo

About project

Purchase of executive materials for the construction and installation of an open-circuit concrete cooling tower unit with a design capacity of 6600 cubic meters per hour, which according to the design consists of 4 cells each with a capacity of 1650 cubic meters per hour and a basin with a capacity of 1100 cubic meters per hour.

The project includes the following sections:

  • Civil/steel structure
  •  Electrical
  •  Instrumentation
  •  Mechanical
  •  Piping

Description of work of different parts of the project:

  • Civil/steel structure work description:
  1. Implementation of foundation
  2. Implementation of concrete structure
  3. Basic execution
  • Description of electrical work:
  1. Implementation of tray and ladder
  2. Implementation of cooling u/g electrical power
  3. Implementation of balk items
  4. Implementation of electrical heat tracing
  5. Implementation of electro motor
  6. Required cabling package
  • Instrumentation work description:
  1. Installation of cable ladder. Tray
  2. Installation of conduit and accessories
  3. Installation of instrument internal cabling and termination
  4. Installation of instrument device
  5. Installation of air piping and Tabing
  6. Hook up work
  • Mechanical job description:
  1. Installation of cooling water ID Fan
  2. Installing the Gear Box
  3. Drive shaft installation
  4. Installation of Fan Stack
  5. Install Drift Eliminator
  6. Collector installation
  7. Packing installation
  8. Installing Louvens
  • Piping work description:
  1. Installation of Water Distribution System Nozzles
  2. Installation of Water Distribution Pipe